
Responding to today’s Labour Party manifesto, Pathway CEO Alex Bax said:

“We very much welcome the Labour Party manifesto’s focus on health inequalities and its commitment to tackle the social determinants of health. We look forward to seeing the detail, which must include a clear focus on the misery experienced by people facing extreme health inequalities, such as those facing homelessness.

There is a huge opportunity in the manifesto’s commitment to a cross-government strategy to put Britain on track to ending homelessness. We know that people facing homelessness experience significantly poorer health than the rest of our country. This is the chance to deliver the specialist healthcare services that can help to resolve people’s homelessness for good. This needs to start by bringing an end to the shame of discharges from hospital to the street through specialist intermediate care and hospital teams.”

For press enquiries, please contact: jonathan.lucas@pathway.org.uk